September 2022


By Joshua Reid This article is also posted on The culture of a business is a part of its ability to market to their clients and other potential business partners. COVID-19 has business’ marketing shifting towards an online platform. Although this seems to work for the time being, will the online, Zoom-style meetings and...
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By Joshua Reid This article is also published on Work-life balance plays a critical role in a business environment. From ensuring that employees have the necessary information and tools to accomplish their assigned tasks to mental health checkups, businesses have to ensure the safety of their employees. For Gen-Z employees, a healthy work-life balance...
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By Joshua Reid This article is also published on The work environment of a company pre-COVID shifted once the pandemic hit. Where once businesses could hold in-person meetings or high school and college kids could find on-site jobs and internships for the summer, COVID-19 changed the future landscape of how companies conduct themselves and...
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The road to entrepreneurship can be a long and treacherous road filled with detours, roadblocks, and dead ends. Sleepless nights and plans that don’t work out can become the new norm in a person’s life. This can be discouraging. Yet hundreds of entrepreneurs have faced these odds over and over and found success. It might...
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Beyond simple clothes and other accessories we put on our bodies, fashion is an art form. It is physical self-expression through the use of clothing, footwear, makeup, hairstyle, and other accessories. It is so integral to our lives that everyone participates in it, even those who have a distaste for fashion. In fact, everything we...
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Strictly speaking, owning a business is all it takes to be an entrepreneur. However, the road to entrepreneurship can be a long and treacherous road filled with detours, roadblocks, and dead ends. Sleepless nights and plans that don’t work out can become the new norm in a person’s life. For those discouraged by those sentences,...
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This article is also published on A day in the life of an entrepreneur cannot be summed up easily. But like with many others, the comings and goings of an individual apply only to that specific individual, not the group of people they might be associated with. Taking that into account, I’ve taken three...
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This article is also published on An entrepreneur is someone who organizes and operates a business. Often, they take on a great amount of personal and financial risks. Broadly speaking, there are four types of entrepreneurs. Some run small businesses and startups. Others are larger and run organizations and community fundraisers. There are also...
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This article is also posted on If you ask the experts, they will tell you that there are four types of entrepreneurial ventures. Some are  small businesses, some are startups, and others are community fundraisers and organizations. Despite these four types of endeavours an entrepreneur may take on, each of them have one thing...
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By Daniel Riddle Functioning and taking care of yourself during a depressive episode is challenging.  You could suffer fatigue, lose your appetite, or experience countless other symptoms.  If you have someone you care about who suffers from depression, hopefully you want to help them somehow.  COVID is making that more difficult since you can’t always...
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