Entrepreneurial venture


Beyond simple clothes and other accessories we put on our bodies, fashion is an art form. It is physical self-expression through the use of clothing, footwear, makeup, hairstyle, and other accessories. It is so integral to our lives that everyone participates in it, even those who have a distaste for fashion. In fact, everything we...
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This article is also published on ChangeTheCompany.com An entrepreneur is someone who organizes and operates a business. Often, they take on a great amount of personal and financial risks. Broadly speaking, there are four types of entrepreneurs. Some run small businesses and startups. Others are larger and run organizations and community fundraisers. There are also...
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This article is also posted on ChangeTheCompany.com If you ask the experts, they will tell you that there are four types of entrepreneurial ventures. Some are  small businesses, some are startups, and others are community fundraisers and organizations. Despite these four types of endeavours an entrepreneur may take on, each of them have one thing...
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